How Smoking Affects Oral Health

One of the most dangerous things we can do for our oral health is to smoke cigarettes and other tobacco products. While many are aware of tobacco-related disease and deaths, most smokers are oblivious to the havoc it wreaks on our oral cavity. Unfortunately, the perils of smoking go way deeper than just affecting our mouth’s appearance.

Here are a few ways that smoking affects your teeth, oral cavity—and your life.

Smoking Ruins Your Game

Singles beware! Non-smokers are rarely interested in kissing someone with tobacco breath and yellow teeth. The nicotine and tar in tobacco quickly stains and yellows teeth, and years of smoking turns them brown. Smoking cigarettes discolors the tongue and leads to bad breath and halitosis. It also causes inflammation of the salivary gland openings, nasty mouth sores and ulcers that can ruin even the most romantic moment.

Loss of Smell & Taste

Research shows that smoking can diminish our sense of taste and smell. One study found that smokers are six times more likely to have poor smell than non-smokers. In a 2014 study published in Chemosensory Perception, it was found that smoking may also dull taste buds. 

Gum & Periodontal Disease

According to the Centers for Disease Control, smokers are twice as likely to suffer from gum and periodontal disease, the leading cause of tooth loss in adults. This is because smokers tend to produce more tartar and bacterial plaque that lead to gum disease and reduces oxygen in the bloodstream, making it harder—and sometimes impossible—for infected gums to heal.

Gum Recession

Smokers with gum disease also suffer from unsightly gum recession that can be painful and make oral hygiene more difficult. Receded guns also expose the margins of crowns, which significantly changes their aesthetic appearance.

Dry Mouth

Cigarette smoking causes inflammation of the salivary gland openings on the roof of the mouth and leads to xerostomia, aka dry mouth. This causes discomfort, cavities and enamel erosion, while contributing to gum disease and tooth decay. Help stave off dry mouth by staying hydrated and using oral care products enhanced with moisturizers and natural enzymes like SALIVEA to help maintain the ideal oral environment. 

Weakened Immunity

Smoking weakens our immune system, making it difficult to fight against germs that cause oral diseases. Weakened immunity also makes it harder to recover from dental procedures, such as tooth extraction, periodontal treatment and oral surgery.

Oral Cancer

Cigarette smoking contains more than 70 chemicals shown to cause cancer. Exposure to these harmful chemicals causes healthy cells of the throat and mouth to mutate, which increases the risk of developing oral cancer, one of the most challenging types of disease to treat.

Strive to maintain a healthy oral environment by avoiding smoking cigarettes and using oral care products like SALIVEA for dry mouth. Click here for more information on our product range.

Chaton Anderson